Monday, October 19, 2009

My New Finds

I've seen this commercial advertising Nutella on t.v. for some time now.
It was on sale at our local grocery store so I thought what the heck I'm going to give it a try. It is good! It's a tasty sweet spread of haselnut, skim milk and a little cocoa.
It's a nice little treat over toast. If you like chocolate and haselnut you'll like it. Try it!

It does a body good : )

Has anyone out there heard of or use natural MILK or CORN fibers yet?
Yes! I located natural milk fiber today while searching around for some great organics to try out.
Just wondering if anyone out there has tried them yet. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and welcomed here. I located this yarn company Kollage yarns they carry the milk and corn fiber yarn. I want to make a very special item from milk fiber. I'm thinking of a nice knit hat for both baby/child or adult in natural milk, natural undyed color with a great pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness. I don't have anything in my shop like this yet and it's something I've been wanting to work on for sometime.

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge

Wow! What a great find. I wish I would have used these much earlier. My husband bought me a packet of self threading needles a few weeks ago. One day he was watching me struggling with a needle threader. Boy! Having these needles sure is a blessing for me. I can remember my mother having difficulty treading a needle. She would ask me to do it for her. I'm getting older what can I say. Having problems seeing to thread your needle- get some!


LOVE, love, love them!
IF you don't have them yet get some. I haven't tried the silicon bakeware yet. But would love to hear from others who have used them. I'm sure they are fantastic! My husband brought home some silicon baking sheets for me last week and I love them! I'd like to try some silicon muffin tins next.

You can call and have them ordered right to your home. When you call they will be asking you several questions if they are for business or personal use, etc. But you will get them in the mail, free flat rate priority mail box kit.

UPDATE: Well, I don't think these boxes are all that great, lol. I have to recant what I've already written here. Their smaller box is pretty much useless unless your sending a paper clip or piece of jewelry to someone. I think it should be eliminated all together, it's just too small for $4.95. Now, their medium sized box for $10.95 is a good size but too expensive I think. The post office charges $10.95 for overnight/next day delivery. I just mailed a baby blanket and it cost me $7.95 with a delivery confirmation receipt. Their largest box is about $13.95. I think they would be okay for sending to international customers, but I won't be using them. Not at $10.95, I'd have to use that medium sized box for most of what I send.